Welcome to CS 61B
The CS 61 series is an introduction to computer science, with particular
emphasis on software and machines from a programmer's point of view.
CS 61A covered high-level approaches to problem-solving, providing you with
a variety of ways to organize solutions to programming problems as
compositions of functions, collections of objects, or sets of rules. In
CS 61B, we move to a somewhat more detailed (and to some extent, more basic)
level of programming.
In 61A, the correctness of a program was our primary goal. In CS61B,
we're concerned also with engineering. An engineer, it is
said, is someone who can do for a dime what any fool can do for a dollar.
Much of 61B will be concerned with the tradeoffs in time and memory for
a variety of methods for structuring data. We'll also be concerned with the
engineering knowledge and skills needed to build and maintain moderately
large programs.
Background Knowledge
This class assumes you have taken CS61A, CS61AS, or E7, or have equivalent background to a student who has taken one of these courses. The course is largely built upon the assumption that you have taken CS61A or CS61AS, and E7 students may find the beginning of the course to be a bit scarier, particularly when it comes to object oriented programming.
We assume you are coming in with zero Java experience. Nonetheless, we will move through basic Java syntax very quickly. Though the syntaxes of Java, Python, MATLAB, Scheme, etc. are enormously different, the underlying computational models are surprisingly similar.
If you already have Java experience, great! We hope that you'll help out your fellow students in discussion, lab, and on Piazza, particularly in the opening weeks when everyone is catching up on Java.
Knowledge of UNIX is not required, though you might find it useful if you want to use the lab computers instead of your own computer. Lab 1 will give you resources to learn UNIX if you end up deciding use the lab computers instead of your own.
Is this the right course for me?
This is a course about data structures and programming methods. It happens to also teach Java,
since it is hard to teach programming without a language. However, it is not intended
as an exhaustive course on Java, the World-Wide Web, creating Android apps, user interfaces,
graphics, or any of that fun stuff.
Some of you may have already had a data structures course, and simply want to learn
Java or C++. For you, self-study may be a better option. CS 9F (C++ for programmers) and
CS 9G (Java for programmers) are both one-unit self-paced courses that will teach you more
of what you want to know in less time. There is no enrollment limit for that course, and
you work through it at your own pace after the first and only lecture.
Finally, the 1-unit self-paced course CS 47B is for students "with sufficient partial credit
in 61B," allowing them (with instructor's permission) to complete the 61B course requirement
without taking the full course.
Discussion and Lab Sections
Each week there is a 1 hour discussion section and a 2 hour lab section headed by a GSI and supported by volunteer lab assistants. Information about the staff running each section can be found on the staff page.
If you decide to permanently switch sections, it'd be best to switch in CalCentral. However, if the section is officially full or doing so would somehow cause you significant grief, it's OK to simply clear it with the two TAs involved.
Discussion attendance is not mandatory, but each discussion you attend earns you "one gold point" (up to a maximum of 10), which are extra credit points described in more detail below. Attendance will not be taken for the first two weeks. Lab attendance is optional for most labs, but we think you'll find it useful to go anyway. Attendance of the project 1 code review lab and the project 2 design lab are mandatory. Lab deadlines on gradescope will always reflect the "true" deadline (in the event that we need to push anything back for reasons like technical glitches).
Lab materials are available online, so you will be able to do much of the work ahead of time. Nonetheless, we encourage you to attend your scheduled lab time. One major purpose of the labs is to give your TA a chance to check up on you and to find out what people are and are not understanding. We've found that with the increasing ability to work anywhere has come an increasing tendency for students to go off by themselves and fall behind. Don't make this mistake. Keep up with homework and lab work and above all let us know when you don't understand something!
Online Resources
The course home page will provide one-stop shopping for course information.
The course schedule as well as all handouts, homework, labs, FAQs, etc., will be posted there.
Our discussion forum this semester will be Piazza.
For most questions about the course, Piazza is the right place to ask them. The course staff
read it regularly, so you will get a quick answer. Furthermore, by posting online
as opposed to emailing us directly, other students benefit by seeing the question and
the answer. Don't forget to check Piazza before asking your question, just in case
someone else has already posted it.
The e-mail address cs61b@berkeley.edu
will send a message to the course staff (Josh and the head TAs). You can use it for
correspondence that you don't want to send to Piazza. We all read it, so you will usually
get a quick reply. If you send a question that is of general interest, we may post the
response on Piazza (we will keep personal information out of it, of course). If you have any problems that require an exception (e.g. medical emergencies, sudden necessary travel), please contact email cs61b@berkeley.edu. Emailing only your TA or Josh may result in significant delays in resolving your issue.
To talk with us, the best way is to come during regular office hours (posted on the home page).
Many of us are available at other times by appointment. Please don't be shy. Web pages, email,
and Piazza are useful, but it's still much easier to understand something when you can
talk about it face-to-face. Even if you're an "online section" student, you're still welcome to come to office hours. Office hours are concentrated Monday to Wednesday because we hold labs all day Thursday and Friday.
Course Materials
I've written our own course notes for the first seven weeks of the course. These should be sufficient for you to understand what we need to know about Java. They can be found at https://joshhug.gitbooks.io/hug61b.
If you find these notes insufficient, you might consider consulting Paul Hilfinger's (free) Java Reference or Head First Java, 2nd Edition by Sierra and Bates (O'Reilly, 2005).
The optional textbook for the weeks 8-14 of the course is Algorithms, 4th Edition by Wayne and Sedgewick.
All textbooks for this course are optional. Homework will not be assigned from them, and alternate readings will be provided when possible.
The official
description of the Java core language is available online in
The Java Language Specification
(Java SE 8 Edition) by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, and Alex Buckley. It's extremely thorough and easy to read (once you understand how to read it).
This official coding environment and text editor for the course is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called IntelliJ, though we will not introduce this IDE until Week 2. At your own discretion, you may instead use Vim, Emacs, Sublime, or
IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans, Emacs etc. Whatever you use, however, your
submitted solutions must conform to our expected layouts, as indicated in the assignments. We strongly recommend that you use IntelliJ starting as soon as you finish project 0. We will not officially support any editing environment other than IntelliJ.
This semester, we will be using Java 8. It is already installed on the lab computers, and it
may be provided with your computer as well.
You will be able to do any work you'd like on any Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux computer. You may also remotely log into the instructional machines (which you will receive an account for during the first week), though you should be able to most everything in the course by working natively on your own computer. Information for setting up your own computer is linked in lab 1b.
We'll be using the version-control system Git this semester.
Version-control systems allow you maintain a series of "snapshots" of your files at
various points in their development. Used properly, this provides you some back-up
protection, so that you can recover previous states of your work when something goes wrong.
Also for team-oriented projects (as well as in the real world), version-control systems
help manage collaborative work.
You will be learning and using Git for this course to track your work and submit your assignment. In addition to the advantages above, using Git will allow the staff to track your progress in the course and maybe even help you out when you're stuck on bugs. The first lab will teach you the basics of what you will need to know. Feel free to
also read official Git documentation.
HWs and Labs
There will be 14 labs and 7 homeworks. During Phase I of the course (Weeks 1 through 4), labs will provide you with help getting your computer set up. During Phase II of the course (Weeks 5 through 7), labs will provide you with structure for the open ended design project (project 2). In Phase III of the course, labs will give you a chance to implement important data structures and algorithms. All labs will take approximately two hours to complete, though some may run slightly longer. HWs will vary from 3 to 10 hours of work. You will turn in everything electronically using GitHub, and your results will be available on Gradescope. All homeworks and labs are individual efforts (without partners). Two of the homeworks and one of the labs will be released during RRR week. If you complete all of your work during the semester, you don't need to do these (as they will be dropped). For the two labs with no official work to turn in (labs 7 and 11), everybody gets a full score of 4/4 points automatically, even if they do not attend lab that week.
Homework will be graded on a rigorous suite of correctness tests while labs will receive full credit for "reasonable effort," as evaluated by a small number of relatively simple correctness tests. Passing all tests on Gradescope for homework or labs will ensure full credit as there are no hidden tests. Each lab will be worth 4 points (for a total of 48 points), and each homework will be worth 16 points (for a total of 80 points). Grades will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.
No extensions or grace hours will be granted for labs or homework. To allow for situations that may arise in the course of life, we only count your 12 best (out of 15) labs and 5 best (out of 7) homeworks. In the event that you have an emergency where you need to drop additional homeworks or labs, please email the staff at cs61b@berkeley.edu.
Programming Projects
In addition to the HWs and labs, there will be 4 programming projects. In these projects you will build an entire system.
For project 0, you will be able to work with a partner. For project 2 you will be required to work with a partner, unless you specifically request otherwise (details TBA).
Project 0 and 1 will be relatively easier than projects 2 and 3, taking less time and with greater levels of scaffolding. Project 2 will be a very difficult project (on par with what you might expect from Hilfinger's harder projects). Project 3 will be challenging, but not as time consuming as project 2.
Each project has a specific theme:
- Project 0: Introduction to Java
- Project 1: Basic Design, Testing, and Code Review
- Project 2: Large Scale Design and Testing
- Project 3: Working with an Existing Code Base
For all projects, we will ultimately release all tests that determine your grade. In other words, passing all tests on Gradescope will allow you to earn full points for the autograded portion of the project.
Projects 0, 1, 2, and 3 will be worth 25, 40, 100, and 75 points respectively. For projects 2 and 3, there are opportunities for "gold points" described in each project specification.
There will be two evening midterms, tentatively on February 14th and March 22nd and a final exam on May 10th at 7 PM. You will be allowed to bring one letter size page of handwritten notes (front and back) to the first midterm, two to the second midterm, and three to the final. You will not be required to turn in these sheets, and you may reuse them from exam to exam.
Inspired by the great Paul Hilfinger tradition, exams
may cover any material whatsoever. For fear of our lives, exams will almost exclusively test material covered in the course.
Inevitably, some of you will have conflicts with the scheduled exam times. We will
arrange for alternative test times for those people who have sufficient cause.
Sufficient cause includes conflicting exams for other courses, medical or family
emergencies, or important religious holidays (however, we believe we have avoided all of
We will provide a form several weeks before each exam for students to request alternate exams, which will almost certainly occur after the regular exam has occurred. With the obvious exception of emergencies, you must fill out this form by the provided deadline to be considered for an alternate exam.
Popular reasons that are not sufficient cause include having job interviews,
having a plane ticket that you (or your parents) bought without consulting the schedule,
having exams or assignments in other courses at nearby times, being behind in your reading,
being tired, or being hung over.
We release grades for exams on Gradescope.
If you believe we have misgraded an exam, request a regrade on the same site with
a note explaining your complaint. You should check the online solutions first to
make sure that this regrade will make your total score go up as it is possible to lose
points from a regrade request.
Midterm 1 grades will be available by the night of Jan 15th, giving you two days to decide whether to drop the course. If you're a prospective CS major and you do poorly, we will provide advising sessions to help you decide what to do. Details will be announced at that time.
If your midterm grades are statistically much worse than your final, we'll replace your midterm grade under the "shadowing" policy below. You should not depend on shadowing to substantially improve your grade. Very few students receive a significant benefit.
Midterm (both MT1 and MT2) grades can be "shadowed" (aka a weaker version of what Dan Garcia calls "clobbering") by the final. The way it works is that if you are X standard deviations from the mean, your midterm scores will be replaced by a score equivalent to X - 0.5 standard deviations from the mean. This policy can only help, and cannot hurt your score.
Effectively, this only applies if you improve substantially on your final: an improvement of over 0.5 standard deviations.
For example, suppose Bilbo scored 0.4 standard deviations above the mean on MT1, 0.9 standard deviations above the mean on MT2, and 1.1 standard deviations above the mean on the final. Then Bilbo's midterm scores will be replaced by 1.1 - 0.5 = 0.6 standard deviations above the mean, as long as this is an improvement.
Since Bilbo already got 0.4 above the mean on MT1, his score would be replaced by 0.6. However, his score on MT2 would not be changed (since he is already 0.9 above the mean).
As another example, suppose Bilbo is -1.1 above the mean on MT1, -0.1 on MT2, and 0.3 on the final, his midterm scores would be replaced by -0.2 (0.3 - 0.5) if that helps. In Bilbo's case, his MT1 score would be replaced by -0.2, and MT2 score would be untouched (since it is already better).
Or in pseudocode:
your_devs = (your_final_score - final_mean) / final_stddev your_potential_replacement = (your_devs - 0.5) * midterm_stddev + midterm_mean your_shadowed_midterm_score = max(your_midterm_score, your_potential_replacement)
Your letter grade will be determined by the total points out of the possible 768.
In other words, there is no curving in this course, other than the shadowing policy above. Your grade will depend solely on how well you do,
and not on how well everyone else does. Unlike other CS courses, the grading bins for 61B generally do not get tweaked at the end of the semester.
Category | Percentage | Points |
Homework/Labs | ~16.6% | 128 |
Projects | ~31.3% | 240 |
Midterms | ~26% | 200 |
Final Exam | ~26% | 200 |
Total | 100% | 768 |
A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D+ | D | D- | F |
748 | 700 | 660 | 615 | 570 | 536 | 496 | 430 | 368 | 320 | 270 | 200 | 0 |
Departmental guidelines suggest that the average
GPA for a lower-division required course be in the range 2.5 - 2.9,
with 2.7 (B-) being typical. This corresponds to getting 55% on
tests (typical for past exams), 75% on projects, and 100% on homework and lab assignments.
We will grant grades of Incomplete only for dire medical or personal
emergencies that cause you to miss the final, and only if your work up to
that point has been satisfactory. Do not try to get an
incomplete simply as a way to have more time to study or do a project.
That is contrary to University policy.
Extra Credit
There will be a total of 16 points of extra credit in the course:
- 3 points each for projects 2 and 3. Details in project specs.
- 2 points for the pre-semester survey (released 1/18).
- 2 points for mid-semester survey.
- 4 points for taking the staff created end-of-semester survey.
- 2 points for taking the official university end-of-semester survey.